Wednesday 29 February 2012

Leap Day

Morning! I am celebrating a rather beautiful nearly spring morning with a cup of peppermint tea in the china from my mad hatters tea party last summer. I am off to do my radio show later, titled the leap day show. Yes today women can propose to men and you should do something you have been meaning to do. So go on, it's leap day, do something different!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Long To Reign Over Us!

Heading off to university in a few months is really scaring me at the moment! Will I get the grades? What do I do if I don't? But anyway one thing is for sure. This cushion will be coming with me wherever I go. It is from Debenhams and I think it was £20. But well worth it! Just so nobody forgets my name...

It Has Its Uses!

As an A-Level Art student I am constantly drawing things that fit under a certain title and it is a nice break when I get commissions! In a few weeks I am at a fair in Grantham selling some of my work which I am very excited about! As it is for children it gives me the chance to draw Disneyland Paris' Sleeping Beauty Castle!

Gypsy Weddings is so Spring/Summer 2012

I remember, just over a year ago, sitting down to watch a one off 'Cutting Edge' documentary called 'My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding'. Since then Gypsy is in. I wouldn't be surprised if there is another Royal Wedding in the next few years that the bride's dress will be designed by Thelma. Gypsy Weddings allows us in to a world that otherwise we wouldn't see and I for one could not carry on without my weekly dose of glitz, tack and palm tree dresses. This week's episode concentrated on the children of the gypsy community and whilst none of this week's children had anything on Nangirl from episode one it was still brilliant. A barbie dress was designed by Thelma for a rather demanding prom girl who subsequently very nearly missed out on the ball as her Cinderella-style dress couldn't fit in the coach transport to the prom venue. But have no fear. Off she piled, dress and all in to the nearest stretch humma and a good night was had by all. Personally my quote of the episode came from a 12 year old boy who was driving his Dad's 4x4. 'I can drive, all I need to do now is learn to read' I look forward to the next episode.

Oscars 2012-You need to 'urn' it.

First off I am sorry for the appaling title. Right, now that is dealt with, down to business. The Oscars 2012. I have been looking forward to the Oscars every year since about the age of 13. As a film fan it was brilliant to be able to watch films that I had seen or wanted to see win awards. I like the Oscars because they are clean. The Oscars aren't the Golden Globes, you don't get Ricky Gervais shouting insults left, right and centre and red carpet controversies. Until this year of course. Along comes Sacha Baron Cohen and his trusty urn. I get it, Cohen is trying to be funny, get a joke out of a prestigious ceremony but for Goodness sake. A film he was in (Hugo) was nominated and won awards. He didn't need to stick two fingers up at the Academy, and subsequently pour ashes all over the shagpile. Of course, at the end of the day, it all boils down to publicity. Cohen needed a way of generating a buzz around his new film 'The Dictator' out this year and for him the Oscars were the perfect platform. We are all talking about it. On blogs, at school and at watercoolers all over the world people are talking about his publicity stunt. His PR excercise certainly worked. But Cohen I appeal to you this. Leave the Oscars alone. This one event a year should be sacred and besides, poor Angie wouldn't want to get ash on her right leg, would she? (@Angiesrightleg)

Saturday 25 February 2012

'Take Me Out' Let the cheese, see the viewers.

'Let the cheese, see the viewers'

I should hate it, it should make me want to gauge out my eyes using a spoon but weirdly I find it absolutely inspiring.  I didn't watch the first series of 'Take Me Out'. In fact I didn't just not watch, I refused to. I'll admit my culture snobbery was going through a particularly rough phase and if something wasn't in Norwegian without subtitles or made on a budget of less than 5 quid and a packet of chewing gum I didn't watch it. Thank God that was only a phase as otherwise my life would never have been opened up to the brash Saturday night, feel good show that is 'Take Me Out'. Who wouldn't want to watch, frankly rather desperate, girls and guys throw themselves at each other and judge on first impressions? Whoever came up with the idea is a genius. Our whole lives are built around first impressions, why not make that into a game show? As for the host Paddy McGuiness I believe he is an equally brilliant choice with his catchphrases even prompting my mother to shout over the strains of 'No likey, no lighty' one particularly raucous Saturday evening, that he was the 'New Brucie'. For me that sealed the deal. My Mother, usually a BBC news and Corrie in small doses woman likes this show, in fact she doesn't just like it she LOVES it. 'Take Me Out, The Gossip' even gets her viewing figures a testament to the pure cheese of it all. I do, however, feel that its critics or the 'I only watch it because it is cheesy' viewers love it in secret. In truth we all want to feel happy, laugh and be cosy on a Saturday night and no programme recaptures classic Saturday night TV at the moment quite like 'Take Me Out'.

Friday 24 February 2012

'I thought Bjork had died' The Brits 2012

The Brits are, quite possibly, my favourite night of the year (obviously after Eurovision and a good episode of Neighbours). By saying that you may think that I was actually there, I wasn't. Instead I watched the whole rumbustious event from my sofa, phone firmly in hand, tweeting my thoughts away which included '#Shabbatronic' and 'I thought Bjork had died'. I am sure you will agree, award winning tweets that night. For me this encapsulates The Brits. A night where the great and good of the music industry (and the not so good, sorry Olly Murs) gather under one roof to collectively clap each other on the back, 'sing' or 'mime' a bit and forget it all by Wednesday morning. This year however a national crisis has followed the Brits. A wave of hatred towards 'The Suits', James Corden and, if you are 'The Sun' anyone who was there on the night. Adele didn't get to finish her acceptance speech for best album, I know, I know, where are COBRA when you need them, we need to get the UN to stop trying to get China and Russia to agree over Syria and force a national day of mourning for Adele's speech, or at least this is what 'The Daily Mail' would like to happen. It is ridiculous. Yes, it was bad that Adele couldn't finish, yes they could have cut Blur a little earlier but the fact is they didn't. We can't change it. People have apologised, Adele has said there are no hard feelings, move on. I personally am dreading the first headline of 'The Sun On Sunday' which will probably read 'Ban ki Moon flies in for talks as Adele crisis worsens'. All this talk is such a shame. The Brits 2012 was a 'vintage' year. You had Rihanna dancing around in a potato sack and a pair of Timberland boots like only she can, you had Florence + The Machine 'Petticoat Thrashing' as Caitlin Moran put it on Twitter. There was so much to laugh about from the Brits. Adele called herself a drag queen for Gods sake! On a normal week at least one tabloid would have lead with that, claiming Adele had gender identity disorder, but alas a national crisis has erupted, we can't just laugh at TV anymore. We leave that for Children. Anyone over the age of 13 has to complain to Ofcom about it, move over tea drinkers, we have a new national past-time.