Tuesday 28 February 2012

Gypsy Weddings is so Spring/Summer 2012

I remember, just over a year ago, sitting down to watch a one off 'Cutting Edge' documentary called 'My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding'. Since then Gypsy is in. I wouldn't be surprised if there is another Royal Wedding in the next few years that the bride's dress will be designed by Thelma. Gypsy Weddings allows us in to a world that otherwise we wouldn't see and I for one could not carry on without my weekly dose of glitz, tack and palm tree dresses. This week's episode concentrated on the children of the gypsy community and whilst none of this week's children had anything on Nangirl from episode one it was still brilliant. A barbie dress was designed by Thelma for a rather demanding prom girl who subsequently very nearly missed out on the ball as her Cinderella-style dress couldn't fit in the coach transport to the prom venue. But have no fear. Off she piled, dress and all in to the nearest stretch humma and a good night was had by all. Personally my quote of the episode came from a 12 year old boy who was driving his Dad's 4x4. 'I can drive, all I need to do now is learn to read' I look forward to the next episode.

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