Tuesday 28 February 2012

Oscars 2012-You need to 'urn' it.

First off I am sorry for the appaling title. Right, now that is dealt with, down to business. The Oscars 2012. I have been looking forward to the Oscars every year since about the age of 13. As a film fan it was brilliant to be able to watch films that I had seen or wanted to see win awards. I like the Oscars because they are clean. The Oscars aren't the Golden Globes, you don't get Ricky Gervais shouting insults left, right and centre and red carpet controversies. Until this year of course. Along comes Sacha Baron Cohen and his trusty urn. I get it, Cohen is trying to be funny, get a joke out of a prestigious ceremony but for Goodness sake. A film he was in (Hugo) was nominated and won awards. He didn't need to stick two fingers up at the Academy, and subsequently pour ashes all over the shagpile. Of course, at the end of the day, it all boils down to publicity. Cohen needed a way of generating a buzz around his new film 'The Dictator' out this year and for him the Oscars were the perfect platform. We are all talking about it. On blogs, at school and at watercoolers all over the world people are talking about his publicity stunt. His PR excercise certainly worked. But Cohen I appeal to you this. Leave the Oscars alone. This one event a year should be sacred and besides, poor Angie wouldn't want to get ash on her right leg, would she? (@Angiesrightleg)

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