Wednesday 16 May 2012

School's Out....FOREVER

Today I came to a shuddering realisation. Two weeks today is my final day of school EVER. Yes that has been capitalised. In fact it feels like the majority of things I write these days end up being capitalised, I am very slowly turning into the Daily Mail Online, but that is a discussion for another day. After 14 long years of wishing to leave I am finally at the point of no return. I am going to London in 5 months to start University and that is seriously SCARY. (There we go, Mail online again). In two weeks I will probably be a little worse for wear after a day spent traipsing around the pubs of Sleaford and rather messy after causing all sorts of mayhem during the day. I have realised, however, that this could be the last time that I will ever see some of my friends who I have had since turning up on the first day at Carre's 7 years ago. I will stay in contact with some but others I will, unfortunately, lose touch with. I don't want to dwell on this however. This summer is one of new beginnings. Tonight I applied for my accommodation next year, student finance is very nearly finished and the summer is shaping up to be one to remember. I am going to T4 On The Beach, Disneyland, Paris, Ireland. In two weeks I will be in London for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee (not that I have gone on about it) and in a few months will be cheering on Team GB at the London Olympics. I really want to try and enjoy my last two weeks at school and look forward to moving to a place I love and making hundreds of new friends. Two people also moving on are my two good friends Lucy and Hannah. Lucy is moving to London, like me and Hannah is being a little more adventurous and moving to Toulouse! They have both set up blogs to share their journey into the wide world. Lucy's is and Hannah's blog is Anyway it is time for me to go and Wednesday night is usually a night spent dancing around to Bananarama and drinking milk but before I do, here is a picture of me, a Beefeater and a raven taken earlier today. (Thanks Keirl).

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