Saturday 12 October 2013

Halloween With Miley And Lilo (I Want Candy)

It's the 31st of October 2013, East Dulwich, South London. Every house is decked in their finest 'house of horrors collection' decorations from Oliver Bonas. The sweets have been purchased from Hope and Greenwood, THE place to take your little dahhhlings for their E number fix. There is a knock on my door, our first trick or treaters in our new house. The scene that greets me is post-apocalyptic, VMAs 2013 style. It's as if Lindsay Lohan and Miley Cyrus have turned up on my door step. Last year Mrs Tabitha-Drew's children went as a ghost and a zombie. This year Bruschetta and Olive have turned up looking for their 'candy' (thanks Disney channel), dressed as the new horrors of the generation. Lilo and Miley. 

It is, of course, only the 12th of October. Halloween is still two weeks away, but preparations in this South London, Yummy Mummy, Mecca have begun in earnest. There are pumpkin carving competitions in every shop that sells cushions that cost £50. Dress your dog as a celebrity for a free pint evenings and cobwebs in every window that are normally kept pristine. This year, however, there will definitely be something different. Earlier this week I read a statistic that the foam finger is this year's best-selling costume item. Are we really entering into a new age where we dress up as the real horrors of the year? What happened to going as a vampire or even a 'sexy kitten'? Is it because we have decided that Miley is a cultural icon or are people just 'doing it for the lols'. One thing is certain, she's certainly made an impact, in fact I can't believe I am still talking and writing about it. Maybe I actually love her and don't realise it? Maybe the real question is where can I order a foam finger and can I get it special delivery? 

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