Thursday 10 October 2013

Finally, We Come In Peace

Many of you will be aware of Commander Chris Hadfield. If you don't know him by name then you will have seen his pictures. Hadfield spent a term aboard the Internation Space Station, sharing his astounding pictures of Earth from above with us mere Earthlings via his twitter account. Today whilst conducting my usual morning routine of a cup of tea and flick through my timeline I came across one of his most recent tweets. 

"The Sun is a harsh mistress. Cool to see the flags still standing, despite the relentless effects of UV radiation"  

He also provided a link to an article describing how the effects of the sun's radiation of the 6 star spangled banners that are on the moon. 5 of the flags are still standing with only one, the first placed by Armstrong, Aldrin and their crew no longer flying. All of the flags, however, are completely white. The stars and stripes of the USA have finally faded to white. For some reason this thought made me quite pleased. Whether or not it is because of my 'Inventing the Nation' America literature class and talk of colonialism but I like that the flags, placed as a symbol of ownership are now blank and have reverted to that pure, peace colour, white. Maybe now we do really, finally, come in peace.

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