Sunday 13 October 2013

How to be Man enough to say 'I am a Feminist'

This week David Cameron refused to attribute the word 'feminist' to his beliefs in equality for men and women. There is a simple reason for this. The word ‘feminist’, over the past 40 years, has garnered somewhat of a bad reputation. A perception that has worked its way into our collective conscience. The general thought is that being a feminist is the reserve of a certain group of women. At the beginning of Summer I read Caitlin Moran’s ‘How To Be A Woman’. It was a brilliant book both content and entertainment wise. Amongst the humour, however, there was some very serious content on how men perceive the feminist movement. Below is the review that I wrote at the time and I feel it gives a good context to the predicament Cameron found himself in this week.

I have been meaning to read Caitlin Moran's 'How to Be a Woman' since it came out. Exams, and general life 'stuff', however, put my reading of it on hold but now, after emerging out of the other end of my first year University exams I decided to pick it up.
Now. Let's get one thing clear. I am a Man, so naturally I approached reading a book titled 'How To Be A Woman' with some trepidation. When I told one of my male friends what I was reading post-exams he laughed and said 'don't turn in to one'. This book, however, does not exclude men from its own branch of feminism. At one point Moran encourages women to stand on a chair and say 'I am a strident Feminist', adding that the men should do this too. And why not, I say? As Moran points out anyone who thinks it was ridiculous that women didn't have the vote, and let’s face it that is anyone in their right mind, is a feminist. The word 'feminism' has for far too long been something that has been dirty. Men seemed to have this weird unwillingness to use the word, even if they believed in the movement behind it. Even for intelligent, and well thinking men the word has often been hard to use. The difficulty with it has often come from other men, not the idea of feminism itself. If you meet a man down the pub and the conversation turns to feminism, more often than not he will start talking about women not shaving their armpits, (which they have every right to do), and ‘women who hate men’. Admittedly there are women who think this, just as there are men who hate women but Moran in her brilliant book opens up your eyes to a different world of feminism. One in which the simple belief that women should be equal with men is at the core of feminism.  
Part of the brilliance of Moran’s writing is combining her real life experiences, at their most candid, with her real, feminist theory. 
'Opening my cervix opened my 'doors of perception' more than drugs ever did - to be frank, all I learned from Ecstasy was that, if you're caned enough, you can dance on a podium to someone saying 'Time to go home now, ladies and gentlemen' over and over again on a PA.' 
She is, essentially, trying to make feminism (and I use the next word begrudgingly), 'cool'. For too long feminism has been perceived as something that is reserved for women and even then a certain group of women. I find it ridiculous that there are still women who will not declare themselves feminists, let alone men joining the party too. The thought that you (a) have to be a woman to be a feminist and (b) one who doesn’t shave their armpits is ridiculous. Moran is bringing this to the forefront of people's minds with an incredibly witty, truthful and correct book. I urge you all, male or female, to read it.

They were my first thoughts upon encountering Caitlin Moran’s genius writing and they were, again, brought to the forefront of my mind when David Cameron refused to admit to being a feminist. He has now since gone back on his initial denial and announced that of course he is a feminist. And of course he is, if our Prime Minister didn’t believe in equal rights for men and women I would be very worried about the state of our nation. It may have been too little, too late from Cameron, but at least he is heading in the right direction. Men, to finish, I ask you one question. Do you believe that women should still have the vote? If the answer is yes then you are a feminist and you, unlike Cameron, should be Man enough to admit it. 

Saturday 12 October 2013

Halloween With Miley And Lilo (I Want Candy)

It's the 31st of October 2013, East Dulwich, South London. Every house is decked in their finest 'house of horrors collection' decorations from Oliver Bonas. The sweets have been purchased from Hope and Greenwood, THE place to take your little dahhhlings for their E number fix. There is a knock on my door, our first trick or treaters in our new house. The scene that greets me is post-apocalyptic, VMAs 2013 style. It's as if Lindsay Lohan and Miley Cyrus have turned up on my door step. Last year Mrs Tabitha-Drew's children went as a ghost and a zombie. This year Bruschetta and Olive have turned up looking for their 'candy' (thanks Disney channel), dressed as the new horrors of the generation. Lilo and Miley. 

It is, of course, only the 12th of October. Halloween is still two weeks away, but preparations in this South London, Yummy Mummy, Mecca have begun in earnest. There are pumpkin carving competitions in every shop that sells cushions that cost £50. Dress your dog as a celebrity for a free pint evenings and cobwebs in every window that are normally kept pristine. This year, however, there will definitely be something different. Earlier this week I read a statistic that the foam finger is this year's best-selling costume item. Are we really entering into a new age where we dress up as the real horrors of the year? What happened to going as a vampire or even a 'sexy kitten'? Is it because we have decided that Miley is a cultural icon or are people just 'doing it for the lols'. One thing is certain, she's certainly made an impact, in fact I can't believe I am still talking and writing about it. Maybe I actually love her and don't realise it? Maybe the real question is where can I order a foam finger and can I get it special delivery? 

Thursday 10 October 2013

Finally, We Come In Peace

Many of you will be aware of Commander Chris Hadfield. If you don't know him by name then you will have seen his pictures. Hadfield spent a term aboard the Internation Space Station, sharing his astounding pictures of Earth from above with us mere Earthlings via his twitter account. Today whilst conducting my usual morning routine of a cup of tea and flick through my timeline I came across one of his most recent tweets. 

"The Sun is a harsh mistress. Cool to see the flags still standing, despite the relentless effects of UV radiation"  

He also provided a link to an article describing how the effects of the sun's radiation of the 6 star spangled banners that are on the moon. 5 of the flags are still standing with only one, the first placed by Armstrong, Aldrin and their crew no longer flying. All of the flags, however, are completely white. The stars and stripes of the USA have finally faded to white. For some reason this thought made me quite pleased. Whether or not it is because of my 'Inventing the Nation' America literature class and talk of colonialism but I like that the flags, placed as a symbol of ownership are now blank and have reverted to that pure, peace colour, white. Maybe now we do really, finally, come in peace.