Monday 6 May 2013

I Want To Be A Part Of A Rollerblading Gang

If you live in South East London you will know exactly what I am talking about. You'll be sat at traffic lights or waiting to cross the road when all of a sudden a gaggle of youths on roller blades will come streaking past you, some even going backwards on their skates. BACKWARDS, IT TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH TO GO FORWARDS. I even saw one member of a rollerblading gang once carrying a boom box. It was like they had rolled all the way along the road from 1985. The real question is, when did rollerblading become cool again? Was it the introduction of the rollerblading bobbies in Hyde Park. Is this a new way for the gangs to be one step ahead of the 'feds' anyway, I'm going to say it now. I want to be part of this gang. I used to have a pair of roller blades when I was little and it's like riding a bike, surely? I have my eye on a banging pair of Power Rangers roller skates so I will get back to you when I finally become one of the cool kids in the rollerblading gang.

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