Friday 10 August 2012

The Real Olympic Legacy

Haven't the past few weeks been incredible? From the moment the the lights came up on London's opening ceremony to reveal a field of farmyard animals I knew our games were going to be great.
After 7 years of insisting to my friends and family, despite hundreds of news articles claiming the complete opposite, I can finally feel justified in saying: I WAS RIGHT. London's games WERE the greatest ever.
The worries were to be expected, however. Brits are hardwired to be pessimistic about events like these and we have good reason. Remember how late Wembley was and that magnificent white elephant the "Millenium Dome"? All the components for an incredible games came together just at the right time. Team GB exceded our wildest medal hopes, all security worries vanished and even the Great British weather was okay for 16 amazing days. We didn't manage to get tickets and being a proud Londoner family we were slightly miffed, but no. That didn't stop us. We went down to London to soak up some of the much publicised games atmosphere and I really can say it wasn't hype. Anyone who actually uses the Tube will know that it is usually a silent affair. Not this time. My vacant 'Tube face' wasn't needed in the Summer of 2012, people were actually talking to each other. As much as I love the 'Inspire A Generation' sentiment this for me is what I would like the capital to gain as a legacy from now onwards. I have always said that London is the greatest city on earth and that the only thing missing was a chat on the Tube. I think we may have found that.

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