Thursday 20 June 2013

'How To Be A Woman' (Even if you are a Man)

I have been meaning to read Caitlin Moran's 'How To Be A Woman' since it came out. Exams, and general life 'stuff' however put my reading of it on hold but now, after emerging out of the other end of my first year University exams I decided to pick it up.
Now. Let's get one thing clear. I am a Man, so naturally I approached reading a book titled 'How To Be A Woman' with some trepidation. When I told one of my male friends what I was reading post-exams he laughed and said 'don't turn in to one'. This book, however, does not exclude men from it's own branch of feminism. At one point Moran encourages women to stand on a chair and say 'I am a strident Feminist', adding that the men should do this too. And why not, I say? As Moran points out anyone who thinks it was ridiculous that women didn't have the vote, and lets face it that is anyone in their right mind, is a feminist. The word 'feminism' has for far too long been something that has been dirty. Men seemed to have this weird unwillingness to use the word, even if they believed in the movement behind it.
'Opening my cervix opened my 'doors of perception' more than drugs ever did - to be frank, all I learned from Ecstasy was that, if you're caned enough, you can dance on a podium to someone saying 'Time to go home now, ladies and gentlemen' over and over again on a PA.' This embodies the brilliance of Moran's writing. She is, essentially, trying to make feminism (and I use the next word begrudgingly), 'cool'. For too long feminism has been perceived as something that is reserved for a certain group of women. This is obviously not true and Moran is bringing this to the forefront of people's minds with an incredibly witty, truthful and correct book. I urge you all, male or female, to read it.

Caitlin Moran is also well worth following on Twitter, if you aren't already because she does have followers by the KFC bargain bucket load.

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