Friday 5 April 2013

Music And Things.

To kick off 'Music and Things' I thought I would just share what I am listening to the most at the moment.

Top of this list (and I urge you actually not to listen to this if you are a sucker for a catchy      dance song) is Coma Cat by Tensnake. I was introduced to this song only recently, despite it being around for a few years and it just screams summer. It oozes everything from disco and soul and sounds extremely 80s which is why I love it, in fact, don't worry about getting it stuck in your head, it's just too good.

Next is the already mentioned on here orchestral mix of The Look Of Love by ABC. It's everything that was great about the 80s with added orchestra and breakdowns where it sounds like someone has fallen asleep on the repeat button. It may be about 5 minutes too long but when it is spent with door slamming sound effects accompanied by an orchestra, what's not to like?

Smalltown Boy by Bronski Beat is one of those songs that takes a long time to get going, then you get to the climax of it and realise that rather than being boring, the rest of the song is actually genius. The lyrics are beautiful, something that you may not be expecting from Bronski Beat who brought us 'Tell Me Why' but it is one of those songs that is brilliant to work to as it just builds and builds. Here is the extended and best version.

Finally it is 'Just Think About It' by Southern, something a bit different from everything else on this list but amazing. This is taken from a Burberry acoustic session they did. They are a Brother and Sister duo from Belfast and being Irish I do maintain that Irish music is the best. The harmonies on this are incredible, and they are stood in a wood, how poetic.

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