Thursday 7 February 2013

Rorie O'Leary: The Movie

At the start of this month I made about 10 New Year's resolutions. 9 of these have now lapsed and have gone the way of every other resolution I have ever made. The one that has remained was to live life like I was in a film. I am very proud to say that I think that thus far I have managed to keep this one. That is probably because unlike all the other resolutions this one means that I have more fun, something that is needed when it is raining and 2 degrees in a city where there is always a bus or cab waiting to splash you.
When I say live life like I am in a film I don't mean Die Hard, although it has always been my secret longing to be like John McClane. I mean those films in which people go on incredible dates, drink cocktails all day long, have brunches, read books in the sun and take walks in the snow. I know, I know, mushy shit but so far it has only done me good. Unbelievably going for brunch and coffee has led me to read more books in an attempt to look fashionable and interesting whilst sat outside in the freezing cold because it turns out the place you think is really trendy, everyone else thinks the same. So far the dates and cocktails haven't been that bad either, in fact they have been amazing. Getting up to have breakfast, a la Breakfast At Tiffany's also means that I can't stay in bed until 1 for my lecture that starts at 2.
It turns out that a couple of days ago, a walk in Mayfair and breakfast at Tiffany's was exactly what I needed. After only getting 1 hour sleep the night before due to my new craze for watching "Sex And The City" at 3 in the morning, I needed some time just wandering. I headed on down Old Bond Street. It wasn't long until I found myself standing under those pale blue flags and gazing in the windows of the beautiful marble fronted building. It was here that I realised that, although my resolution was ridiculous it has actually made my life so much better. January didn't seem bleak at all and now that (hopefully) Spring is just around the corner I have those days sat in the sun in Sloane Square and Hyde Park to look forward too. I know that throughout life we are always told to be ourselves, something I stick to, but once in a while it is fun to pretend you are someone else, especially when that someone else has a passion for dirty martinis.

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