Tuesday 5 February 2013

My Love Letter To: Beyonce

Dearest Beyonce,

You were incredible, I didn't think anything could beat Janet Jackson's boob-tacular or MIA's middle finger last year in Madonna's show but you did it right. After all of the mean words leading up to it I think you pulled it off completely. (I always knew you would sing live). You had me from the moment the extended version of "Run The World" boomed out across the Superdome. As soon as a massive flaming outline of you sparked into life I was practically on the floor and as soon as I heard the immortal words "Kelly, can you handle this?" I realised that I certainly couldn't and would probably need resuscitating by the end. Thankfully for both myself and your legal team your show didn't kill me and I am probably going to risk my life again by coming to see you live in London.
I loved it so much that I watched it another 10 times before going to bed at 3 in the morning. I don't think anyone else can carry off the slutty yet chic schoolgirl knee high socks and leather combination quite as well as you (although Kelly and Michelle had quite a good stab at it). I would also like to thank you for reminding me what Michelle looks like. She had fallen off my radar quite a bit and it is good to see that she is still alive and as ever adding the " I bought them" line quite spectacularly in "Independent Women". I also greatly enjoyed you then asking them to sing your biggest hit with you before kicking them off the stage, reminding them that you own the show.
The only trouble with your performance is that ever since I have been trying to copy it move for move. I think I got caught by my cleaner this morning doing the "Beyonce Super Bowl Strut" a move that will go down in history as iconic as the "Single Ladies Shuffle".
So thank you Beyonce for reminding everyone that leather is certainly back in, that flames are soooo on trend and most importantly for being so kick-ass that they thought everyone in the Superdome needed a few more minutes to contemplate what they had just seen: cue blackout. I think Jay-Z cut a wire or something, that's why he wasn't in the performance, wasn't it? I know you far too well Beyonce. To finish: in your words "uh oh oh oh oh oh oh uh oh oh woah uh oh". So profound.

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