Sunday 4 November 2012

Club Tropicana And Cat Night

Living in London has been absolutely incredible. The only downside is not watching X Factor live and being able to tweet along. I miss tweeting about what shade of blue Louis Walsh's hair is that week or about whether Tulisa looks more like a chav or a duck. Anyway, since being here I have met Samantha Cameron in a shoe shop, fallen off my chair when I thought I saw Myleene Klass in a cowboy-themed Turkish shop, (it wasn't her) and got my Caribbean funk on in a place we have lovingly christened 'Club Tropicana'. Left is a picture of our new friend Jerome who we met there. He is a beautiful human being.

Next is cat night. The most amazing invention ever. People draw cat faces on their faces and dance all night to Beyonce, 90s rap and Whitney Houston. MY KIND OF NIGHT.
Thanks to my new friend Lauren, the majority of the university think I am called Roy after an encounter with a magician in Soho, I have got my own back by introducing her as Karen. Such fun.

The actual lectures are very interesting, but lets be honest, I spend more time thinking about when I am next going to get to draw a cat face on my face.

My Mum and little brother came to see me this weekend before driving me home and we spent Saturday watching the Harrods Christmas Parade, cycling in Hyde Park and shopping in Selfridges. So now I am back home in Sleaford, although I keep referring to London as 'home' much to my Mum's annoyance. I am a little unsettled at how quiet it is. Usually on one night living in East London I can expect to hear 50 Tubes, 400 buses, 30 sirens and 2 noises that I am pretty sure are people getting stabbed and I find that reassuring.

Stay East London royal fam.

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