Saturday 4 May 2013

An Emeli Sande Song I Can Get Behind: The Great Gatsby.

Emeli Sande, I am sorry. I just haven't been feeling it thus far. Yes, your music is good and beautifully written but I haven't had that 'I must listen to this on repeat for a week' feeling with any of your songs so far, UNTIL THIS MOMENT. Yesterday my friends and I were discussing the upcoming Great Gatsby soundtrack, one of them mentioned that they had heard a brilliant 20s jazz version of 'Crazy In Love' by Beyonce. Now if you have read this blog before you will know that I am a big Beyonce fan but I went into listening to this song with an open mind, which wasn't helped I must admit when Sande's name flashed up with the song title on Youtube. Here we go I thought, it's going to be like the Olympic Closing Ceremony all over again. How wrong I was. From the opening muted trumpet notes I was hooked. I thought no one could ever top Beyonce's 2003 booty-busting anthem but this has. Who wouldn't want to Charleston to Crazy in Love? That's my question. Admittedly I think it may have been better with someone else singing, this song has made Sande grow on me but I'm not at full adoration stage yet. It's the roaring twenties band behind it that makes it and if this offering along with Florence's and Del Rey's is anything to go by this soundtrack may be one of the best ever. 

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