Thursday 11 April 2013

H&M Oxford Street Flagship

I'm always disappointed in a flagship store when there aren't any actual flags outside. Look, here is the store, not one single flag. They could have at least strung some bunting up, there's loads left from the jubilee. Someone in their marketing department needs to get down to Poundland, they have been trying to shift that stuff since the end of the Olympics. Anyway, on to the actual store.

I have a peculiar knack for stumbling across H&M Flagship openings. I was there when they opened their flagship on Regent Street a couple of years ago and then, upon seeing that there Oxford Circus Flagship was opening on Thursday a few weeks ago I thought I would jump on the Tube and go and have a nose around. Anyone who has ever been in the Oxford Circus branch knows how awful it used to be. For a store on the busiest shopping street in Europe it often resembled more of a Primark than the sleek Scandinavian store it should have been. This, however, has all changed thanks to a brilliant re-working of the store. No longer do you feel that you are shopping in a broom cupboard. The displays are fresh and at times look more designer than high street. H&M have also clearly taken a leaf out of Zara's book from last Winter season by including statement hair on their mannequins, giving the whole shop an edgier feel.

To conclude the store is great and naturally I felt compelled to buy things, I don't know if this is their clever layout working on me or if I do just have to buy clothes wherever I go but I am sure their profit margins will tell this tale. The only downside: LACK OF FLAGS. IF YOU ARE A 'FLAG'SHIP BUT UP SOME BUNTING. Even a tea towel on a stick could work. Sort it out H&M. In the meantime I am off to try on all the clothes I bought. Sorry Mr Bank.

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