Sunday 2 September 2012

Lincolnshire Hasn't Been All Bad

Right, time for a university update. It is rather exciting thinking that I am going to be moving to London in 20 days time. However, I have also decided that even though I have spent the last 8 years of my life complaining about Lincolnshire and telling everyone I have ever met that I want to move back to London I am going to sample some of the delights of the county that has been my home for nearly 8 years over the next 20 days.

Even I cannot deny that in certain places and in the right conditions Lincolnshire can be pretty. Even if it is a little bleak in the middle of winter, this time of year brings golden fields and very low sunsets as everything is so flat! So over the next 20 days I will be posting some of my favourite memories and photographs from a county that, although I complain a lot about, has served me well.

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