Wednesday 13 June 2012

I just thought I would update you. A few weeks ago I mentioned a 'sea of bunting' that my town, Sleaford in Lincolnshire, was meant to have for the Jubilee. The photo below is of said 'sea' of bunting. One aisle, YES ONE WHOLE AISLE, of bunting in Sainsburys. I am sure we can all agree that it is just as good, if not better than promised and that I was silly when I was so cynical about the whole thing a few weeks ago. Well done Sleaford!...

Monday 11 June 2012

Congratulations and Jubilations

It had been done.
The deed.
It's done.
Romeo Done.
The Eagle Landed.
 I SAW THE QUEEN (and not just on TV)!

Yes, two weekends ago it was the event I have waited for since the Royal Wedding last year. The Diamond Jubilee. I went with my good friend Lucy Keirl to the events in London and can confirm that 'the rain didn't dampen our spirits'. (If I heard one more news reporter say that I was going to punch them).

Sunday brought the Thames River Pageant and I can safely say it was incredible. We waited for around 6 hours down by Tower Bridge, waiting for good ol' Liz to bring the booze cruise down to us. As cliched as it sounds the atmosphere was incredible and we were surrounded by a great group of people and, luckily, a man with an Ipad, meaning, when our view wasn't blocked by other people's heads craning to get a glimpse of what Kate was wearing, we could watch the whole thing as it came up the river. By the end of the Jubilations on Sunday, we were soaked. I think if I had jumped in the Thames I would have been drier. Anyway as I say, 'it didn't dampen our spirits' and we returned home very happy albeit ridiculously tired. 

Monday was Gary Barlow's special day-the Diamond Jubilee Concert. Again, we arrived nice and early to make sure we could get a nice slice of the action and unbelievably we were actually close. So close that out of the half a million people on the Mall, we were about 10 rows from the front! It was the greatest night I have ever had and even better, I can now say I have seen Stevie Wonder sing happy birthday to the Queen on her Diamond Jubilee. Amazing.

Tuesday was the official, everybody must act seriously, thanksgiving day. We first set up camp by Trafalgar Square and I was so close to Kate off of Kate and Wills that if there is a pregnancy announcement anytime soon, it was probably me. I am convinced that the actual Queen waved directly at me and said: "Rorie, I am your Mother" but unfortunately nobody else heard so my claim to the throne will have to wait for another day. Later came the carriage procession along Whitehall and again more flag-waving and standing on tip-toes but another incredible day! 

All in all it was a fantastic weekend! And, your majesty, happy birthday for your Diamond Jubilee.